Tuesday, September 8, 2009

July 24th BBQ

This is my last post for July. I'm finally caught up from my trip in UT! We had one last BBQ before we headed back to Florida. It was nice having Wayne and Anne (my in-laws) come to my parents home. There is always plenty of food, and it was delicious...with lots of fresh Utah corn.

This year my dad grew 30,000 ears of corn. Two of my brother-in-laws worked for my dad over the summer to help farm the corn. They took care of the corn, and it turned out great! I wish I could have been able to freeze it and bring it with me home to FL.
My sister (Laura), my brother (Jeff), my mom and dad were just enjoying each others company in this picture.

Jyllian was able to ride uncle Jeremy's horse. It was her first time riding a horse. She was hanging on to her cousin Sierra very tight.

Jasmine also enjoyed riding the horse. We told her maybe next summer she could learn how to ride by herself.

Bailey, Sierra, and Jyllian are all the same age. Jyllian really had an enjoyable time with all of her cousins.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm so glad to see we're not the only ones posting july stuff in sept!! Your kids are growing up! They're all so cute! Can't believe how my Jylian looks like Jasmine!