Monday, November 24, 2008

Here's Johnny!!

While out of commission and recovering from surgery, Donovan realized the lack of talents he has developed over the last “29” years. So he decided he would work on “making more
of himself” with his time at home. Over the course of 3 weeks, he did his best to grow some facial hair. This tedious task required multiple facials involving combinations of Miracle Grow
and manure, but he was pleased with the end result. He tried his best to imitate Jack in Janae’s favorite movie of all time (ha ha ha, yeah right!), but the facial mixture just didn’t have the same result on the bangs and receding hairline as it did on the facial scruff. Maybe he should just stick to other more obtainable talents like casting shadows?

Today was his first day back at work at the University of Florida, so we thank all of you again for keeping Donovan in your thoughts and prayers during this time.


Kristen said...

WOW! That is about all I can say. I knew Donovan grew facial hair, but I didn't realize when he did that he also became a crazy man.

Anne and Wayne said...

No matter how hard you try, Donovan, you have something about you that just isn't as "evil" as Jack. Oh, and I was surprised that before you shaved completely you didn't save a "G" on each cheek first.

Catherine said...

pretty scary, Donovan! Maybe you could mold your face with that look and sell it for big bucks for Halloween. Kids are always wanting freaky looking masks, right?