Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

We hope everyone had a wonderful and frightfully entertaining Halloween. Jasmine went as Corida, I mean Hannah Montana. Jyllian was a cute lil' Dora. Dominique and Dreyton dressed as a caped Joker and a skeleton. Grandma Lott pulled through by making capes that they just loved for their costumes. Dominique built a "Box of Terror" placed on the front porch where he or Dreyton would crouch down inside and await trick-or-treaters to come up to it for candy. Then they would jump out yelling, "Death in a Box!" and scare the bladder contents out of the kiddos. They were good not to scare any small children, though. The biggest scare came when Donovan put on a scary mask and came up to the box on his knees so that Dominique thought he was a kid. When Dominique jumped out, Donovan screamed at him and scared Dominique so badly that he knocked the Box of Terror over backwards. Dominique may have voided his bladder a little at that time too.


Kristen said...

Those are some scarey boys you have. I am glad I didn't go trick or treating to your house. Jasmine's Hannah costume is much more deluxe then the ones I have seen around here and Dora, who could go wrong with that.

Karen said...

I love all those costumes. But I'd love to see Donovan all small and stuff.

Spencer Family said...

Your boys are too funny! And when I say "boys," I'm including Donovan in that. You have such a fun, close-knit family! I love it!

Catherine said...

That's hilarious that Donovan gave Dominique a taste of his own medicine!

PS) It was a special fast Sunday yesterday thinking of you guys all day. I hope all goes well with the surgery.