Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day at Cococay Beach in the Bahamas

So don't try to find Cococay on any atlas that you own. It is not in there. It is privately owned by Royal Carribean, and it is a small island in the Bahamas where we spent a day while on our cruise. This is a picture of us in front of our ship.


Kristen said...

Yipee--we love your blog. We are glad you are intelligent enough to make one.

Anne and Wayne said...

I am not as good at blogging as Kristen and Karen, as you will soon find out, if you haven't already done so. But, I DO love the pictures of your trip. I am glad that you got to go. It looks so fun--maybe we should all try a cruise one day (Disney World first, though!)

Karen said...

Hey look, Kristen spelled intelligent right!! Welcome to the blogging world! I'll be checking up on you, so keep us posted!

Julie H. said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you figured it out. Now you just have the pressure to keep the posts coming. It looks like you had so much fun on your trip. I'm jealous-- my workaholic husband doesn't know how to take a vacation. I'm glad you could go, you deserve it. Love you!

Amanda said...

Julie told me your started a blog and I'm so excited. Hopefully we'll get more updates and pictures on life in Florida. Jeremy and I really want to come visit, sometime in the near future. The cruise looked like a lot of fun, vacations with friends and no kiddos (even though you miss them) are definitely needed. Miss you guys!