Thursday, September 25, 2008

New events

Each season (or at least at a twice/year minimum) we try to encourage our children to pick a sport or activity. I asked Dreyton if he wanted to play soccer again or try football. Dreyton decided to go with football for the first time (his father tried not to jump with joy when he heard this). He really didn't know much about the sport and was very nervous. He is on the Newberry Panthers football team, and he seems to be enjoying learning and playing football. Donovan is a little excited too! Go Gators and Go Panthers!!

Yep, we bought a brand new Toyota Sienna. This is our first brand new car. Donovan and I had a talk with our kids about the van. We wanted to make sure they understood not to scratch or do foolish things in the minivan, or we would freak out! The kids are so excited about the DVD in the van and power doors. I have found Jasmine in the van serveral times messing with all of the switches and gadgets (but then again, Donovan has found me doing the same thing!). It is a novelty to the children. We were hoping to get a different mini van in Aug. or Sept. The air-conditioning was not working properly in our old Caravan and we had an oil leak. The brakes were also having troubles. It is very hot here in the summer months and to not have air-conditioning in a car can make people very cranky. And as you who know us are aware, we are already WAY ahead of the curve when it comes to crankiness in even temperate, mild temperatures, so you can just imagine us in hot humidity. We took the Caravan to the repair shop in June and decided to wait to fix the van. Since we had been discussing buying a new car now for a year, we decided to buy a new van rather than pay for the Caravan's costly repairs.
Dominique wanted to make sure we took a picture of the spoiler. I didn't really care if it had a spoiler or not as I was hoping for cool hydraulics and low rider rims and wheels (ha, ha). There weren't many 08's on the lot to pick from, but we were happy with our pick. We are officially a Toyota family. Donovan drives a Toyota Corolla and I drive the Sienna. I know there are some that would never own a minivan (maybe John Bauer for one), but it gets ok gas mileage and is very nice to travel in. I would prefer a toyota Sequoia, but that is a little out of my price range. When we have our next child (which will be a boat), we will have to worry about getting something to pull it like that.Jasmine started her first week of piano lessons. Her teacher said Jasmine seemed very excited to learn and was happy to have her as a new student. We hope Jasmine will continue with her enthusiam towards piano. I would like to take lessons again myself. My mom let me quit my freshman year, because I was involved in other extra curricular activites. I wish I would have stuck with it. Maybe my mother-in-law will give me some free lessons when she visits in November as an early Christmas present...:)


Kristen said...

That is one sweet ride! Dreyton looks so big and grownup in his uniform and I hope Jasmine likes the piano too.

Anne and Wayne said...

Cute football player, great looking car (and young man standing next to it), and a wonderful promising pianist. Way to go Lott family!

Anonymous said...

Great car! I loved when you were explaining to your children how to behave in the car or that you would freak out! hehe We all would and I love that you're honest with your kids! :) I told my students the same thing if they broke their expensive calculators. It seemed to work. I guess they don't want to see us freak out. ;)

El Jefe said...

John Bauer's girls have ridden in our minivan several times, and love it. At least the newer vans look less like dustbusters than they used to! That is exciting for you guys - the car and the kids look great.

Julie said...

Whoops, that was Julie that made the last comment, not "el jefe."

Janae&DonovanLott said...

Well, I guess we will have to wait with anxious anticipation that "el jefe" will grace our blog with some keen insight or witty comment. Oh great Jefe...please leave your mark upon our blog!! (but please do so in a manner not recognized by canines as marking their territory).

Ware Family said...

How did we ever survive as kids -- not wearing seatbelts, only AM/FM radio, and the only thing we watched in the car was the scenery. We have had our van for four years and I could not live without the power doors when carpooling and the DVD player for trips. Yes, even trips to the grocery store. We are terrible.

Spencer Family said...

Congratulations on the van! It's fun to get a new toy for the adults once in a while.

I wish I had kept up with piano too. That seems to be the consensus from everyone I know who has taken piano, and has given it up.

You have such a beautiful family We miss having you here in St. Louis.
