Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fun in the Heat

We told the kids that daddy would not be able to go to St. Louis. It was like we moved all over again. They all shed a few tears and now have accepted the idea that we will be staying here in the Gainesville area for now. Donovan is finalizing all of his paperwork to start as a Research Assistant Professor. It has been a very long time in coming, but we are happy to report he will be phasing out of clinical care and he will have one job. Can you believe it? One Job!

It was so hot in Florida that the girls had to cool down their backsides to keep them from melting off. We call it the Florida Butt Shrink-off. Janae is working on getting her backside to heat up even more for that!

Jyllian! Be careful! You may have melted away too much of Jasmine's pa-tootie.
Take a close look at Jyllian's face in this photo as she gives commands to the dog, Daisy. The youngest has to have someone to boss around, doesn't she? She holds the ball in front of Daisy and says, "You want it? Go get it!" And then she throws the ball.
These are the best dart guns ever. The kids just love them, and we highly recommend them for all parents needing to take out some aggression on their offspring! Protective eyewear included to avoid any difficulites with Child Protective Services.


Catherine said...

I took a closer look at Jyllian's face, and man, she looks like she IS the boss! That's hilarious! Hey, I could really use one of those dart, seriously, where do I find one?

Kristen said...

Okay your girls don't have pa-tooties to get rid of. But, if it works let me know. Do the parents in your household also have the dart guns?

Anne and Wayne said...

Water fights and guns! What kind of a household does Donovan preside over?? I am sure that your kids are making great memories for the years to come. Just be sure they leave those things home when they come to my house to visit!