Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Donovan's 36th Birthday

Most of our posts have been fun activites that we have done as a family, but this post is about Donovan. On August 25th, Donovan had his annual visit to the cardiologist. He has to see a cardiologist annually, due to his Mitral Valve Prolapse. On August 27th, the Dr. called to speak with Donovan. He wanted to meet with him at his office. We all know that getting called into the Doctor's office after tests are run, is not a good thing. On Friday, August 27th, Donovan met with the cardiologist and he said, his heart continues to show good function, but it is leaking more than previously. The Dr. has some concerns about some of the chamber dimensions in his heart. Because of these concerns, the Dr. thinks it will be best to repair his valve, even though he is asymptomatic. To repair the valve, Donovan will need to have open heart surgery. The Dr. said it should be done sooner rather than later. If he waits until there are problems, he could have permanent heart damage. So, we have had some major decisions to make in our life. Donovan was scheduled to go to St. Louis, MO for an interview at Washington University. He was supposed to arrive Sept. 14th, but that has all changed. We were also offered a job to stay here and work as a research assisant, but Donovan wanted to interview at Washington University first. Donovan is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow and doing clinical care as a Physical Therapist part time. After the surgery, Donovan will not be able to do any clinical care for two months, because he can not lift or overdue it. Well, most people can't be out of a job for two months and support a family of six, so we decided it would be best to stay here. Donovan will take a job Sept. 15th, which will increase our income, but at the same time he will stop clinical care. We had been praying as a family and trying to decide where to go next in life and the Lord has given us a few signs along the way.

I will keep everyone posted when the surgery will take place. Most likely it will take place in November.


Amanda said...

Okay, I read the whole thing this time and gosh, it never ends does it. I'm sorry that Donovan has to go through the surgery but we will definitely be praying for everything to go smoothly. At the same time if this is helping you guys make a decision on where to live I guess every thing happens for a reason.
Keep us updated and let us know when the surgery is taking place so that we can do a family fast.

Grandma Grace said...

I know things will work out all right. Just keep up the faith.

Julie H. said...

Hmmmmm. Sounds like you've had a lot to consider in such a short time. Our prayers are with your family. Everything will be ok. Looks like we need to plan a trip to Florida.

Kristen said...

Go Gators--right? At least you get to live close to a beach and Disney World. We love you guys! We'll freeze some meals to send to you.

Julie said...

Well, that was not definitely not as fun to read as the Muppet post. But seriously, thank you for letting us all know so that we can keep you in our thoughts and prayers. And we will.

Karen said...

I think I'll be helping with the fixing and freezing of meals. :) Unfortunately, I have fallen off the wagon on the whole potty training thing, but I'm hopping back on next week. We are thinking about you guys and praying for you!