Thursday, October 2, 2008

Potty Training

I have potty trained three kids and I haven't experienced any like Jyllian. She has not been cooperating with the whole potty business. She has peed on her bedroom carpet five times and I really don't like it when kids pee on the carpet. Last night, I told her I was going to quit using pull-ups and put her back in diapers. I told her that she was not being a big girl and she was still acting like a baby. She said, "Mommy that was so rude." She is very stubborn and won't even sit on the toilet. Donovan said, "Oh, Janae it can't be that hard. Just make her sit on the potty." I told him to go for it. He put her on the toilet and she cried for a half hour and still didn't do anything. I guess he got to see how difficult it can really be. The strangest thing is she will use the toilet at the church. She has discovered she can get out of Sacrament meeting if she has to go potty. Three weeks ago, Jasmine asked to go to the bathroom and Jyllian wanted to go with her. I was so excited because she actually sat on the toilet at church. The second week she peed on the potty at church, but this last week I told her we weren't leaving sacrament meeting to go potty, but she did sit on it after sacrament meeting. I'm losing my patience with this whole potty training business. She's almost three and I don't want to buy anymore diapers. I could save that much money each month.

I have purchased a bag of smarties, a bag of dum dum's, a bag M&M's and princess shoes to bribe her. Not one of these items have worked and I haven't given them to her either. I will show her the candy and the shoes but she just says I can give them to her sister. Does anybody have any suggestions?


Janae&DonovanLott said...

First let me apologize for the blog with all the details of urine and fecal matter. Second I will add that our attempts to correct this potty problem with 1) locking our daughter out of the house overnight, 2) keeping her in the same diaper for 4 days straight, and 3) having Dominique follow Jyllian around with a cup to catch whatever leaves her orifices have not been successful (and I for one had great hopes for the multi-day diaper wearing and learn). Looking forward to your comments and suggestions (both serious and "theoretical").

Catherine said...

You know our cousin Carolynn? Her youngest boy was 5 1/2 years old before he was potty trained (because he was SO stubborn) and I liked her attitude about it. She just kept having him be a skunk for Halloween! Funny, huh? :) That's pretty crappy (pun intended, of course) that Jyllian is giving you such a hard time. If the multi-day diaper trick is not working, I don't know what will!

Karen said...

I'm frustrated too. Sorry I don't have any advice though. Ethan says one day he wants to wear underwear and pee on the toilet, but the next, he just wants diapers. Good luck.

Kristen said...

So sorry about the potty training. I really don't have any advice except don't let her win! You can do it Janae!

Prior Family said...

Janae, Joey turns three tomorrow, and he still doesn't want to wear underwear. The only time he goes in the toilet is before he gets in the bath, and once in awhile at school. My goal is to pull the diapers next weekend when we have Friday and Monday off. Wish me luck.

Poulsen Family said...

You poor, poor, woman. I did the no underwear thing with Bryant and that worked for him, Brianna was like a miracle child and I swear such a blessing, so you don't want to hear about her experience, but I heard Erin Kingrey did the no underwear with Rachael and so I tried it with Bryant and it worked. Good luck!

Julie said...

Same thing with Jackson. He does not have any interest and he is almost three too. It is kind of nice to hear that the child makes a difference too because since Jackson is my first and I can't say I have ever tried to potty train I tend to just think I am doing something wrong.

Unknown said...


You posted a comment on my wife's blog a few months ago and I forgot to reply. It's good to see things are going well for you. Send me an email at I'd love to hear from you.


Amanda said...

I don't know, these girls of ours are definitely strong willed! I just put pants (sweats, jeans, whatever, just pants) on Bailey with underwear and took her to the bathroom often. But, if she wentin her pants the pants soaked most of it up so very little or none at all got on the floor. She didn't like the feeling of being wet. That lasted a few days and that was it. We still had accidents off and on for another week or so but it was pretty easy. I didn't use pull ups at all, she just thought they were like diapers. Go straight to underwear, maybe go to the store and let her pick out her own, tell her it will make Ariel or whoever is on the underwear sad if she pees on them (I really did say that and it worked) and put pants on. Somebody gave me this advice and it worked great, hopefully it will help you. miss you!