Monday, April 7, 2008

I been tagged by my sis, Jules

10 Years ago...
I was managing an apartment complex in St Louis and expecting my second child any day.

5 things on my "to do" list today...
1. Clean the house...Monday is my cleaning day.
2. Chase a 2 year old, although my money is on the 2 year-old!
3. Finalize and send off my taxes...gotta luv Uncle Sam
4. Make dinner for my wonderful and hungry family
5. Have family home evening

5 snacks I enjoy...
1. ice cream
2. hot chocolate
3. peanuts
4. apples
5. my mother in law's mint brownies...see you in July, Anne ;)

5 places I have lived...
1. Orem
2. Provo
3. St Louis, MO
4. Vegas baby!
5. Newberry, FL (within the thriving metropolis of Gainesville, FL...Go Gators!)

What would I do if I were suddenly a Billionaire????
1. Pay off my husband's stupid student loans
2. Shop 'til I drop
3. Buy my husband a boat and a houseboat on Lake Powell (Donovan says THIS is actually first)
4. Donate to a worthy cause

5 jobs I have had.
1. Accounts payable for Better Built Manufacturing Inc (a stellar business)
2. Travel agent
3. Apartment manager
4. Retail at Mervyn's and Northern Reflections
5. Waitress at Lone Star Steakhouse (it's amazing how a short skirt brings in the tips! j/k)

Five Favorite TV Shows....
1. Samantha Who
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Survivor
4. Without a Trace
5. Law and Order SVU

Husbands Full name: Donovan Jones Lott

How long have you been married: 14 years and counting

How long did we date: 2.5 years before Donovan's mission; 2.5 months after the mission

Who said I love you first: Donovan

Who is taller: Donovan by 12.5 inches

Who sings better: Neither of us will be on American Idol (unless we are singing alongside William Hung)

Who's smarter: Einstein, duh?!

Who does the laundry: Me

Who pays the bills: Me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Me

Who mows the lawn: Depends on the week

Who cooks dinner: Me

Who drives: Donovan

Who's more stubborn: Hmmmmm...Donovan. Oh my Gosh! Kristen, can you back me up here?

Who kissed who first: We kissed each other (first date!)

Who asked who out first: I asked him out first

Who proposed: Donovan

Who has more siblings: I do

Who wears the pants on the family: Donovan

5 things you don't know about me.
1. I like to sew and quilt.
2. I love my feet massaged.
3. I am neither a morning nor a night person...I am at my prime around 1 pm. By the way, did I mention that is when my baby is napping, and my other kids are still at school?
4. I can pass up chocolate...sorry Anne and Kristen, but Donovan loves my leftovers.
5. I have Larry syndrome...I have a hard time staying up after 10 pm...just like my dad.


Julie H. said...

It's about time! I'm glad you finally figured out how to cut and paste. Thanks for sharing some fun info. about yourself. And for the record...I think you are way smarter than your husband! he he. Love ya.

Kristen said...

Okay I will back you up on Donovan being more stubborn. It is hard to win an argument with him, partially because he is so dang loud. I totally agree with your paying off those stupid loans and we are glad you don't love chocolate because it always leaves more for us. Ha ha.

Karen said...

I too can back you up on Donovan's stubborness. And ya, he sure is loud! I am neither a morning nor a night person either.

Amanda said...

Thanks for sharing a little bit of info. Also I'm jealous of the kids playing in the yard in the water. Maybe if we still wanted to play in snow we'd play outside. Go away snow! You gotta love Utah, snow in April! Also I love the kiddos matching pj's. And Jasmine's "I love Troy" shirt is AWESOME!!!

Catherine said...

You and Donovan kissed on the first date? How funny! You are at your prime around 1pm? Me too! I swear by nap time. :) It saves my sanity! I didn't know you liked "The Biggest Loser" I just posted about it on my blog. Great show!