Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A sprained foot

Saturday afternoon the kids were in the backyard having a waterfight. Dominique was using a hose, and Dreyton and Jasmine had waterguns. They were running around having a good time until Jasmine was injured. Mom has told them repeatedly to not go down the slide wet because someone can get hurt. In St. Louis, our next door neighbor went down our slide (yes, we brought it with us to FL from MO) wet and broke the top of his foot. I looked out the window because I heard crying. I knew she was hurt because she had a very sad cry. Usually, when she is slightly hurt she gets angry and yells at whoever she thinks is at fault. This time she didn't move.

Donovan and I went outside to see what had happened. She was brought into the house and after a few hours of debate, Donovan took her to the emergency room. Well, the E.R. on a Saturday evening is not the nicest place to be. Donovan decided to come home and return the next day as it would have been the morning of the next day before the docs would have been able to see Jasmine anyways due to such a long wait. He figured he would have been in the E.R. all night if he had stayed. Jasmine kept us both up Saturday night. She cried due to pain, but we did give her motrin. Sunday morning we called a few urgent care centers in Gainesville, but the X-ray machines were down at two of the locations and the third one was not open on Sundays. So, Donovan decided to return to the dreaded E.R. Four hours later, it was determined that she did not break her foot but sprained it. She received crutches and a splint. I'm sure those crutches are going to be quite expensive. She was told to stay off of her foot for a few days. Today she has actually started putting a little weight on her foot. I don't think she'll being playing in her soccer game Saturday, but she will at least be walking with one crutch.


Grandma Grace said...

And what a happy camper she is.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

She is just a brimming ray of sunshine, isn't she?! :)

Karen said...

Such a sad face! I remember the fall Mike and I were engaged I sprained my ankle so bad I had to have it x-rayed! It was a very bad sprain. The funny thing was that it didn't really hurt that bad when it first happened. I was at work 3 hours later when Bryan had to come carry me out because I couldn't put any weight on it at all. I got a splint and used the crutches that were Grandma Lott's. I've been there, Jasmine. Take advantage of others wanting to pay you more attention now. After the splint is gone and the crutches, they don't care much anymore!

Anne and Wayne said...

Tell Jasmine to smile and be glad that she didn't really break her leg. I understand crutches aren't fun, but she should get all of the mileage (and sympathy) out of being injured that she can. Grandma and Grandpa Lott love her.

Kristen said...

Okay...I know she is a good actress so is that face just an act? Either way I love it. BTW, how is Dretyon since he broke his arm. Ha. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the ER? I'm glad she's okay.