Sunday, April 5, 2009

Since you last saw us....

I think there may be something in the water here lately as our children have begun to exhibit some unusual changes to their facial features. No matter. We still love them (even if we are the only ones who still do!).

Poor Dominique has been experiencing horrific nasal difficulties with the increased pollen in the air.

Dreyton has been consumed with the idea of replacing Jay Leno when Leno "retires" from his new show on prime-time.

Jasmine has been a little depressed lately, but she has found comfort and consolation in a new diet she has started (eating anything not nailed down!).


Kristen said...

Wow...I'm completely speechless...and a little afraid to come to Florida.

Catherine said...

Cool! I want to drink the Florida water if it makes me look like Jasmine, too. That's a sexy look for any girl, I think.