Monday, July 14, 2008

First Impressions/past memories of gotta leave a comment for this one!

All right, so this is Donovan missing his wife and not working on the manuscript that is due for the meeting tomorrow. And I was thinking of Janae and thought I would try to get a smile on her face while she is away (not that getting a break from me isn't enough for her to get some happiness, mind you). I thought I would write a little about some of my memories of Janae (but still saving the "really juicy ones" for a future date in case I need to use them for, I mean to "brighten her day.")

PLEASE POST ANY OTHER MEMORIES/IMPRESSIONS YOU HAVE HAD OF THIS 4' 11.5" LADY AS YOU HAVE INTERACTED WITH HER (Remember, embarrassment is a demonstration of both love and affection).

So here are just a few...
- My first recollection of Janae is when she came and talked to my friend Todd Tellford in the hallway at Mountain View High School. I thought she was pretty cute, but I later found out she made out with Todd on their date. You go girl!

- Janae and I had Seminary class together our junior year (before we ever started dating). I again thought she was very cute, but I had a difficult time seeing her pretty face as she kept it down on her desk as she slept during class. I am sure it was all for the beauty sleep!

- Our first "date" was not with one another, but we were in the same group that went to prom for our junior year. I remember trying not to stare at her too much as we sat across from one another at the dinner table in the restaurant and also in the limo. I think my date may have sensed something as we never went out again.

- Just before we started dating, we were both at my friend's house (Doug Whimpey...yes, that is his real name, and don't laugh. He and his brothers are some of the toughest people I have met). So Janae's mischievous sister, Julie (some things never change), called and told Janae she had to come home right now as her father was upset she was away from the house. So Janae gets so upset she starts jumping up and down with a little tantrum. Little did I know that I would see that same kind of "spirit" in our future daughters.

- Our first "real date" was great. We were with our best friends (who happened to be dating one another at the time), and it was a ton of fun. The kissing at the end of the date was not bad either. ;) Ok, but don't tell Todd Tellford!

- We have an unspoken law in our family that one must slalom waterski in order to get "in." (By the way, Mike...we need to do some serious talking about how you "snuck"
into the Lott clan.) So Janae was able to go waterskiing quite a bit back in the day. However, she always had the cutest way of saying, "Drag me a little," when she wanted the slack taken out of the rope, and she somehow found a way to plug her nose before her face hit the water every time she fell (except once...and she has only skiied a couple of times since that day back in the mid-90's with a lot of prodding from her worse half).

So I will quit rambling, but I will say I love my wife so much and am extremely glad I am married to her. And I hope she is smiling with those lop-sided dimples as she reads this post.


Kristen said...

Oh you are so on spot with remembering the "Drag me a little" that is a good one. And I do remember when she called you "Don" and mom had to correct her. I also remember when she would go flying in the air in cheerleading.

Here is a good one though. A girl in band with me was talking about her sewing class and how she gets to sit next to this cheerleader and is friends with her acting like she was so important because she knew her. Then she said it was Janae and I was all "oh yeah, she's dating my brother"then it was like I was so cool because she was dating my brother.

Oh and she is so great because she will tell it like it is and also gets my mom to make good treats.

BTW donovan, cool additions to your blog. You are becoming quite the blogger.

Julie H. said...

Awww, isn't that nice and Janae didn't just smile while she read your post, she giggled like a school girl! So you aren't lying about kissing on your first date. I happened to be there, as the mischievous little sister of course. I was behind the couch spying on you guys, until I felt a little uncomfortable and realized I needed to get the heck out of there. You guys were making out like crazy....j/k parents!

Donovan, I'm glad you authored this post, most of the time I think I'm reading something Janae wrote, until I get a few sentences in and realize this is so Donovan.

Catherine said...

I remember when I first met her, I thought she was so gorgeous, and I wondered how did my dorky cousin get so lucky? j/k about the dorky part. ;) I remember you trying to embarrass her A LOT in front of family because she would get red in the face and squirm everytime you did it. I think we all enjoyed watching her squirm because you were a big tease and she seemed like this sweet, quiet gal.

Since then, I've seen and heard about how feisty and sassy she can be as well as sweet, and Janae, I gotta tell ya, I love that about ya girl! When Donovan (or Matt or Wayne) dishes it out, you can step up and dish it right back! You go girl!

Anne and Wayne said...

One of my favorite memories of Janae is when she tried to measure her sister's height on our "measuring stick," which was really our calendar from Germany. She was more than a little embarrassed when she suddenly realized what it actually was.

Lake Powell memory: Donovan might or might not know this as he was on his mission at the time, but one time she and Kristen were on the bumper tubes, and I was driving the boat. I turned sharply and the rope caught Janae right across the back. She got some pretty nasty rope burns, but never yelled at me about it. I still feel guilty every time I think about it.

Janae is an asset to our family and we all love her. You picked out a great wife, Donovan.

Ware Family said...

Janae -- Remember that time at the mall with Mark and Marc -- that's what Donovan's post made me think of and also you driving the three wheeler so fast on these bumps and it toppled over on to us. I laughed so hard I peed my pants and then had to walk home in the cold.

Prior Family said...

I think my first memory of both Janae and Donovan was when you guys moved into your house in St. Louis and I came to bring you dinner. I think Donovan was there as I tried to carry (not wanting to accept help) everything in and I dropped the plate of cinnamon rolls on the street. (Glass shattering etc. . . ) I think I went home and made some new ones to bring over the next day, but I couldn't tell if you thought I was a total klutz or if making a horrible first impression would mean that we would end up friends. I'm glad to say that we are still friends.

Stephen said...

Donovan - thanks for the comment on our blog. Not sure how you found it, but great to hear from you. Would love to catch up. Send me an email at with your contact info. Oh, and a past memory of Janae... I just remember her and the rest of the cheerleaders wearing their cheer outfits to school on gamedays. And we all looked forward to game days :-)!