Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Into Sissy's Stuff

Jyllian is always into Jasmine's things and it makes Jasmine so upset. I heard some loud noises coming out of the girl's room and I found Jyllian into Jasmine's makeup. She loves to put on lipstick and make a mess all over her face. She was also into Jasmine's hair collection as you can see all over the bathroom floor. We try to put things up high, but she learned how to use the stool. Jyllian has also learned how to unlock the dead bolt, so we put a plastic covering over the door. Oh! That didn't work either. She figured it out on the first try. I guess we are all being out smarted by a two year old.


Kristen said...

She looks like she is being sneaky in that last picture. I bet Jasmine tells her what she thinks when she gets into her stuff.

Grandma Grace said...

When Stacey and Julie were little they shared a room and we had a lot of the same things. We finally made Julie a "room" in the corner of the family room. Things were much quieter for a while.

Karen said...

It doesn't matter where I put stuff, if Ethan really wants it, he'll find a way to get it. Luckily, he hasn't figured out the child locks on the doors yet.

Julie said...

I think it is funny that when my kids figure out how to get into stuff, I am frustrated, but also secretly proud. Aren't you just a little impressed that she is so resourceful? (In addition to being really scared that she will escape from your house.)

Anne and Wayne said...

We all love that cutey anyway, don't we? And Dreyton probably thinks Jasmine is getting what she deserved--right?