Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Four - Universal Studios with the Pittard's

Our last day with the Pittard's, we went to Universal Studios. We had a great time, but it was terribly hot (Can you believe we had a hot day in August in Florida?!). I wasn't very good about taking pictures with my camera on this day. But at the very beginning of our day we saw Dora. Jyllian loves Dora, so I was very excited to get a picture with Dora. I think Jyllian always pictured Dora with a much smaller that couldn't swallow her whole.

We did get caught in the middle of a down pour. It actually felt good to get wet. The only bad thing about getting wet is going inside a building for your next ride and freezing from the air conditioning. I know...what a crazy thing to complain about. I can hear my pioneer ancestors turning over in their graves listening to me complain about that one!
Jasmine is sporting her rain coat. It was also very windy, but we forgot to bring along our wind coats.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Oh, how you always make me laugh! That Dora probably COULD swallow her whole. She's HUGE! Look out!

I really enjoyed reading all your updates. Disneyworld and Universal Studios all sounded awesome, especially the secret part about you and your sis downing that french dessert! ;) So yummy!