Sunday, August 2, 2009

Scout Camp - June 2009

I know I am behind on blogging, so I will do my best to catch up! Dominique and Donovan went to scout camp at Camp Shands that is in between Gainesville and Jacksonville the fourth week of June. I sent them with a disposable camera because I didn't want Dominique being responsible for my digital camera. The pictures obviously aren't very good quality, but they do capture some of scout camp.Dominique competed in a scout troop marathon that involved running, swimming, archery, answering trivia questions, bicycling and basketball. Dominique participated in the swimming portion.

All of the scouts slept in tents. I don't know how I would handle sleeping in the heat with all of the several different types of creepy crawlies that were there with them.

This is a picture of the inside of the tents. Dominique and Kyle (another boy in the ward) shared a tent.

These are the boys in Donovan's scout troop. He is the scoutmaster. Donovan and Dominique had a good time too.


Catherine said...

I bet Scout Camp is like a different world compared to Girls Camp. I remember some girls just freaking out because they were so dirty, and I don't think the boys care one bit! It looks like it was a blast!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

Scout camp definitely had its dirt (and sand), but at least there were showers that were semi-clean. One of the parents who stayed for the week is a entomologist. I caught a scarab beetle that I gave him. He tied an 18" piece of dental floss to its throax and then pinned the other end of the floss to his shirt, so it was like a pet that just crawled all over his torso. He had it for a couple of days. Bet they didn't have those kind of pets at Girls Camp.

Anne and Wayne said...

Do you mean that Donovan didn't have a good time??!!

Kristen said...

Why didn't we hear about the ticks? Looks like fun. I bet Janae can't wait until next year when both boys and Donovan can go.