Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Only one color, but not one size...

Here is a riddle from Dominique to see who is the smartest. Hurry and answer it before someone else does! Here it is.

Only one color, but not one size.

Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.

Present in the Sun, but not in the rain.

Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.

What is it?


Anne and Wayne said...

Good question--you are so smart. I will be eager to hear how many people answer the riddle.

Kristen said...

i am not good at riddles. I will have to ask me to help me.

Kristen said...

Matt is guessing the sky.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

No, it is not the sky.

Amanda said...

Jeremy just said that he needs to go into a part of his brain that he's never used before, but he doesn't know how to get there. We'll get back to you on this one.

Anyway, I'm an idiot! I started reading your long paragraph and at the beginning of your Panama City trip and stopped to go on to the pictures thinking that it was just a summary of your daily activities. Little did I know that you had a very scary experience, Donovan, you, and everyone. Oh my gosh that would be so scary to be standing on the beach, helpless. I am so thankful that prayers were answered and that everyone made it back to the shore safe and sound. I guess when I see a long paragraph on your blog it'll be worth reading. But hopefully nothing scary like this again.

Kristen said...

After having a heart to heart with Google, it has come to my attention that the answer is......(drum roll please).......hmm.....maybe I should wait.......not really......Dominique, it's a shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristen said...

No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.
What am I?

Here's a riddle for you, Dominique. From now on, no Google allowed! (Evil laugh..ha...ha...ha)

Janae&DonovanLott said...

This is Dominique, and the answer to the Vegas Riddle is, "fire." Haa, ha, haaaaaa.